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Here's our place for randomness, fun things, kits and miscellany. Watch here for an ever-changing assortment of items, including holiday projects, samples, kits, and special promotions.

Betty Boo Sock Doll Kit - Ziggy Betty Boo Sock Doll Kit - Pumpkin Betty Boo Sock Doll Kit - Trixie
Price: $14.95
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Price: $14.95
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Price: $14.95
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Betty Boo Sock Doll Kit - Ziggy Betty Boo Sock Doll Kit - Pumpkin Betty Boo Sock Doll Kit - Trixie
*pattern INCLUDED!

*pattern INCLUDED!

*pattern INCLUDED!

Betty Boo Sock Doll Kit - Yorick Betty Boo Sock Doll Kit - Hallow Betty Boo Sock Doll Kit - Boo
Price: $14.95
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Price: $14.95
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Price: $14.95
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Betty Boo Sock Doll Kit - Yorick Betty Boo Sock Doll Kit - Hallow Betty Boo Sock Doll Kit - Boo
*pattern INCLUDED!

*pattern INCLUDED!

*pattern INCLUDED!

Whale Pincushion Kit - Fluke Owl Pincushion Kit - Nicholas Owl Pincushion Kit - Poe
Price: $10.95
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Price: $15.95
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Price: $15.95
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Whale Pincushion Kit - Fluke Owl Pincushion Kit - Nicholas Owl Pincushion Kit - Poe
*pattern sold separately

*pattern sold separately

*pattern sold separately

Bumblebee Pincushion Kit Turtle Pincushion Kit - Matilda Apple Pincushion Kit - Red
Price: $10.95
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Price: $11.95
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Price: $9.95
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Bumblebee Pincushion Kit Turtle Pincushion Kit - Matilda Apple Pincushion Kit - Red
*pattern sold separately

*pattern sold separately

*pattern sold separately

Apple Pincushion Kit - Red Divvy Strawberry Pincushion Kit - Bright Pink Strawberry Pincushion Kit - Red
Price: $9.95
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Price: $8.95
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Price: $8.95
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Apple Pincushion Kit - Red Divvy Strawberry Pincushion Kit - Bright Pink Strawberry Pincushion Kit - Red
*pattern sold separately

*pattern sold separately

*pattern sold separately

Strawberry Pincushion Kit - Soft Pink Strawberry Pincushion Kit - Rich Red Backpack Kit - Aflutter
Price: $8.95
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Price: $8.95
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Price: $27.95
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Strawberry Pincushion Kit - Soft Pink Strawberry Pincushion Kit - Rich Red Backpack Kit - Aflutter
*pattern sold separately

*pattern sold separately

*pattern sold separately

Backpack Kit - Daydream Embroidered-Jewelry MEGA Kit Embroidered-Jewelry MINI Kit
Price: $27.95
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50% OFF $21.98
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Price: $13.95
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Backpack Kit - Daydream Embroidered-Jewelry MEGA Kit Embroidered-Jewelry MINI Kit
*pattern sold separately

*JAM-packed with EVERYTHING
18 Designs Included

*Instructions & ONE Necklace Set
3 Designs Included

Jewelry HARDWARE 3-Pack Hello LOVE - Notebook 2-Pack
Price: $14.95
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Price: $12.95 for 2 notebooks
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Jewelry HARDWARE 3-Pack Hello LOVE - Notebook 2-Pack
*Extender Pack of 3 Pendants,
3 Necklaces — plus Felt Padding
and Chipboard Inserts

*for a limited time*