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What is the Best Way to Stuff the Legs for Henrietta Turtle or Effie and Ollie Elephant?
For best results, make sure to stuff the entire pincushion or toy firmly, starting with the legs.  Once you have stuffed it moderately firmly, gather the legs together with one hand.  Using
How do you create the ruffle on the Fresh Cut quilt?
Ruffled edges on quilts can be a little tricky, especially if you are new to sewing. But fear not! We've compiled some tips and tricks to help you tackle this frilly beast and leave you feeling like a
My credit card was declined due to AVS filter failure. What does this mean?
The AVS Filter Protects us Both To protect our customers form credit card fraud, we have implemented the AVS (Address Verification Service) filter. The AVS filter requires that either the address n